When a child is struggling in school it can be frustrating for the child, the teacher, and you, the parent. Additionally, the reason for the struggle can be a number of reasons. For example do any of the following sound familiar:
trouble memorizing things
working at a slow place
trouble following directions
difficulty staying focused
lack of or too much attention to detail
Well, each of those things can be attributed to either ADHD or a specific learning disability (SLD). Specific learning disabilities (previously known as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia) affects up to 15% of school aged children.

Reading disorders are the most common concern and can impact all other subjects. It affects males and females equally. Teachers tend to notice academic struggles in the classroom when children are not able to work on grade level standards, even with extra support.
Here are some things to look for as a parent if you have concerns:
Kindergarten & 1st Grade:
difficulty with phonics
difficulty with decoding
difficulty with spelling
poor handwriting
confusing sequences of letters
forgetting letters and letter sounds after learning them
difficulty processing information auditorally
academic levels are below expected levels
2nd & 3rd Grades (in addition to those concerns above):
slow or inaccurate reading
comprehension issues
avoiding reading or writing
trouble retrieving words
omitting or mixing up suffixes
4th Grade and above (in addition to the concerns above):
difficulty sequencing events
mixing up or trouble remembering sight words
trouble pronouncing long words
reading words or letters in the wrong order
has difficulty decoding unfamiliar words
difficulty expressing ideas
This list is not exhaustive, but provides a starting point if your child is struggling academically. If a few of these areas above describe what your child is going through and you feel as though a full evaluation would provide you with some answers and specific interventions, don't hesitate to contact Stacy at the site below