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How Do I Find Out About a Superbill?

Writer's picture: Stacy ZebrickStacy Zebrick

Many licensed school psychologists (including myself) are not paneled with insurance companies because it limits the work that can be done, and my times they don't accept referrals for learning since they're not considered medical. Most of us will complete a superbill for possible out of network reimbursement.

So, what is a superbill? A Superbill is a document your provider will complete that will include dates of service, a diagnosis code, CPT codes, and your provider's EIN number. Insurance companies have different ways to submit the Superbill, typically through USPS or fax.

All insurance companies are different, so here are some general things to ask your insurance company:

  1. What is my out-of-network deductible? This will let you know how much money you need to spend out-of-network before your benefits will kick in. Deductibles can be as low as $500 and as high as $2,000.

  2. How much of my out-of-network deductible has already been met? Finding out how much you’ve already spent will let you know how much more you need to spend in order to meet your out-of-network deductible. For example, if your out-of-network deductible is $1,000 and you’ve already spent $900, you will only need to spend $10 more before your out-of-network benefits kick in.

  3. What is my policy period? A “policy year” policy is a 12 month policy that will have a different start and end date than the calendar year, for example, August 1-July 31. It is important to determine your policy period when factoring in how much more time you have to meet your deductible.

  4. How do I submit for reimbursement? Typically, you will need to obtain a Superbill from your [rovider and submit it to your insurance company.

  5. How long do I have to submit my Suberbill? There is a time period after the date of service to submit the Superbill to your insurance company for reimbursement. Generally, this range is from 90-180 days.

Looking for an evaluation and your company will reimburse a superbill? Click here to schedule


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